Solid advice, especially here in January where most people are questioning their resolutions and their progress in them.

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Hi I’m Mariella and you’ve been coaching me to get better since I went on my first “Thank you Run”. So huge thanks Coach for running with me 😃 +please come visit EHQ one day for a live guided run 🙏🏻

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Thanks coach!! Needed to hear this today 😁 hope your year is off to a good start!!

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😂🤣😂 I say this!! Whooops!!

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Strong words, as always, Coach! Not only on NRC app, but also here you always talk straight to my heart.

Thanks by the way for today's personal advice about beliving in myself. I love you!

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Hey Coach! I hope you are having a lovely day! What you wrote was so true as always! I think when we say that to others, we want to lower the expectations of outsiders because we are looking into ourselves too much through eyes of strangers. “Oh what if they think ill of me”, “ Oh they are so much better than me and I am nowhere where I want to be” . We expect so much from ourselves and we reflect it back onto others. Now I am not saying we shouldn’t expect anything from ourselves but we should be setting SMART goals and enjoy the journey. Thank you so much coach for your words of encouragement when I was being a total jerk to myself. Having started to run for the first time in my forties and my SMART goals being relaxed sometimes I forget to celebrate the journey too 🥰

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Hi coach, I suck at running too, but you coached me into running my first marathon. I suck a little less now. I didn’t think I could do it, you knew I could. Now I feel more confident and powerful not only in my running, but myself. I strive to suck less and less with each run. It’s all about consistency and persistence. Thank you for always being in my ear to encourage my journey!

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Hi Coach, I’m Walter and you’ve been coaching me since 2020, and coached me through my first Half-Marathon last year! I don’t think I absolutely suck anymore (thanks to our team effort) but I know I always can be better. Thank you for everything you do for runners!

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Hi! I’m Juan and i think i suck a little less after reading this. Thank you Coach, and thank you all, lets get ready for tomorrow’s starting line!

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It’s funny because I always say I am slow, yet I love distance running. I try to encourage new runners to go with me and they are always worried at first because they “suck at running” and I’d be “too fast”. If they come for a run though, we have a great time and all of that is forgotten. The run is a great leveller.

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Only you can take a word representing negative thoughts and turn it into positives !!! That's what I always look for, Coach !!! Hi, I am Harsha, and I suck at running (:D), but NRC makes my running step slightly better each time I run. Thank you for this !!!

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