We don’t know each other, but I truly feel like we do. Because you know exactly what I need to hear during my runs… Because when reading your posts I feel like I know the way you would say the things you write….

Thank you for always getting me to the next starting line! Because of that I know you, but I also know so much more about me. Thank you!

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Thanks CB. This one had me laughing and also... you're right. Yep, you're 100% right! Have a lovely day.

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What makes me say I’m slow, is seeing all the runners that are much faster than me. There slow, is faster than mine 🤣

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It’s got to be exhausting only comparing yourself to people faster than you. Of course, you could only compare yourself to people slower than you too. Then again, you could compare yourself to both. You could also realize that fast is inherently a measurement dependent on you and only you. Just a thought. Cheers.

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I am guilty of saying that about every run/race I do. “It was slow…but I finished!”

Why do I say that??! It’s like I’m canceling out the effort of a run. Thank you for this.

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I'm just less than two weeks out from my first half-marathon in 13 years, and while my paces are currently no faster than they were 13 years ago, they are faster than when I started training in early November. And I feel much more comfortable during (and much less intimidated by) speed runs. This is absolutely due to using the NRC app. Distance, endurance, and "just" finishing have always been my running goals. However, mixing speed runs into my training, and an occasional 5k race into things I do, feels really good.

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Thank you for this. THIS is going to stay with me because I’m 100% guilty of beginning with “I’m really slow” anytime I talk about my running, or am asked about it. How did you know I needed to hear it? 😊

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I know I'm slow because... the Pace Chart on the NRC app only goes down to 7:30, and I would be more likely to fly in the air than run that fast...I used to be able to do that until illness struck...now my pace is anything up to 9:30...

How about increasing that chart to take into account people like me?

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Sarah, are you looking at the “Mile Best Pace” when you say that the pace charts only go to 7:30?

And are you saying that your K pace on your recovery runs is around 9:30 per k?

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I'm talking about the "Find The Right Pace" chart. Yes, recovery pace is 9 - 9:30...

My 5K time is around 47 mins, my "All Out" pace on the ladder intervals the other day hit around 7:30 - for 30 seconds... couldn't keep that up for longer...I used to do better before I got ill, my best 5K was 35 mins...I really want to improve..

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BTW, I love the programme, I'm doing the HM plan... did the 16K, took me 2:35...couldn't have managed that a while ago.

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That’s outstanding and some serious endurance you are building up! Cheers to you!

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Okay… that 7:30 pace in the chart is supposed to be your 9/10 or 1500m/Mile pace. That equates to 9:30 Recovery Run pace which sounds like the pace you do. If you look far right on the chart you get your easy run/recovery run pace. That first pace you see… far left on the chart is not the pace associated with easy runs. You see… your pace is on there. And it’s a legit pace. It’s not slow. It’s the pace that you’re running right now. And if you’re running it at the right times then it’s a smart pace. If I can recommend something though… whenever I am coming back from injury or sickness or just time off I base my runs and speed runs solely on effort and not pace. This allows me to nail the purpose of the run instead of trying to nail splits. Does that make sense? Let me know and keep me updated on your training and don’t hesitate to reach out with questions.

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Hi there Coach Bennet! I thought I would get back to you as you were kind enough to answer me personally, and made me feel loads better about my running!

I've kept plodding along with your HM plan, I did sort of get to the end, but I never got further than 16K... I'm ok with that, I have various health issues and I'm not the youngest runner out there...

The main thing I wanted to say is that my easy running has got faster! Seriously faster! ( I think!) I can now do 8 mins - 8:30, I'm delighted with that!

Just about back to my pre illness pace, and I'm 5 years older...

Thus is thanks to you and your plan, I'm convinced of that, so much so I'm going through the plan again, and loving checking back to see my improvement on the previous sessions.

Mega thanks, you are awesome xxx

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Thank you Chris, yes that sounds very sensible. 9/10 I can manage but not for a mile - yet!

I love that you don't base your training on pace but effort, it's kept me going over this difficult time, and kept me interested. My dream is to run a HM with no walk breaks, don't care how long it takes...I'll get there, with your help. Thank you for telling me I'm not slow... xx

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Coach, thank you! I just ran my first marathon and not saying I wouldn't have finished without you, but I'm positive I wouldn't have started without you. So when you asked at 18K to thank someone, well, here I am thanking you. Then at 41K my AirPods gave up on me so I couldn't hear what you said afterwards, but thank you once again. See you at the next starting line ❤️

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